Connie Corcoran Wilson Delivers Again! By C. C. Hill III
This is simply a great book and if there's any one story that stands out to me, it's Circle 5: Wrath and Sullenness. I don't want to spoil that tale or any of the others but that one stands out to me and by itself represents what made this a great book. When a writer like C.C. Wilson taps into something that is so resonant and powerful as the material covered in Circle 5, you can never tell where you will end up. In just a few pages, Wilson is able to craft and spin a yarn that pulls you in and takes you to some of the darker recesses of the human spirit, the darker side of our very nature. Sometimes an author can tell you a story about a monster stalking you and it will be spooky and creepy. Wilson, though, she tells you that the monster isn't lurking in the shadows and dogging your every step, it's inside of you, trying to get out and that the worst aspects of human nature are where the real monsters come from and that sometimes . . . it's not all going to be okay. Spectacular work!